Do you need to use a dual or a twin platform counting scale to increase accuracy in counting?
Normally when counting small components in bulk, the capacity of the scale being used and, subsequently, its accuracy is too low to weigh individual items’ weights with a high degree of precision prior to setting it up to count a specific component.
Remember, if your sample weight is out 10%, then so is the main count.
Therefore 500 items would be 50 out, 5000 will be out 500 out, and so on; the bigger the inaccuracy, the larger the error.
Customers rarely inform suppliers they have over-supplied, and subsequently, it will result in a loss of profit.
Supply short counts, and there can be considerable additional costs incurred to make up small quantities, again resulting in profit loss.
ADF’s approach to counting, which we have learnt from over forty years of supplying counting systems to all manner of West Midlands manufacturers, is flexibility.
Many counting applications are not as straightforward as they first appear when a high degree of accuracy is required.
Capacities range as standard from a 500gramme sample scale linked 50kg bulk platform and up to 50kg linked to 5000kg.
Contact ADF to discuss your requirements and find the best solution and most accurate system for your application. Call us on 01543 271174, email us at, or alternatively contact us via our enquiry form today – a member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.